If you click on "Pricing&Offers" from the main menu you will see the "Find a domain" section where you just have to type in your desired domain name and the system will automatically tell you if it's available or not and also will give you details regarding the price.
Firstly, you need to log in into your Cpanel Account. Then you select "E-mail Accounts". Then you click on "Create new Account" and this will take you to a page where you have to input your account name and the storage you want for it and then you click "Save".
Whenever you create a new E-mail Account on Cpanel, if you enter the e-mail server(via Roundcube) you can access your e-mail and see that you have received an automated e-mail in which a set of Instructions is given to you. Those instructions tell you how you can install your e-mail to work on your phone tablet or pc apps.
We will send you an e-mail as soon as you reach 75% of the Storage Package. It is advised to either delete some files or upgrade to a bigger Package before you trespass the 80% since data may be lost due to the server's need to buffer data.
To make a backup of your Cpanel account, please log in to your BDL-Hosting account and go to the "Tickets" section where you can open a Ticket with such a request that we will make in the shortest time we have at hand.
We kindly and thoroughly ask all of our clients to open a Ticket immediately as a situation like this arises, with an "Urgent" status, in case of any Spamming situation of your e-mail account. Thank you.